Highly efficient: reach maximal gene expression in hard-to-transfect cells. Cost-effective: use minimum reagent volume and DNA quantity. Biologically relevant: keep an excellent cell viability & mor
jetPEI transfection reagent
Well-suited for adherent and suspension cells. Fast and efficient methods to transfect cells for HTS. Compatible with serum and antibiotics. Exceptionally reproducible results. Reverse, batch & fo
METAFECTENER PRO 是针对新标准的哺乳动物细胞转染的最新一代转染试剂。 采用结合专利毒性优化(TOP)技术,Biontex 成功地在显著提高RMA 功能促进DNA 释放进入细胞的效率的同时最小化了对细胞的毒性。
DMRIE-C Transfection Reagent
DMRIE-C Transfection Reagent is suitable for transfecting DNA and RNA into eukaryotic cells, and is particularly effective for transfecting suspension cells (e.g., Jurkat) and other lymphoid-derived c
Lipofectamine 2000 Transfection Reagent is a versatile transfection reagent that has been shown to effectively transfect the widest variety of adherent and suspension cell lines. Researchers use Lipof