产品名称: 美国Agdia公司植物病毒抗体
英文名称: Antibody
产品编号: CAB
产品价格: null
产品产地: 美国
品牌商标: Agdia
更新时间: null
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- 地址 : 北京朝阳区北苑路32号院安全大厦A座1701
- 邮编 : 100012
- 所在区域 : 北京
- 电话 : 138****7620 点击查看
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- 邮箱 : sunjianwei@biostest.cn
Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
African Cassava mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Alfalfa mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Alstroemeria mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
American Plum Line Pattern virus: DAS ELISA
Andean Potato latent virus: DAS ELISA
Angelonia flower break virus: DAS ELISA
Angelonia flower mottle virus: See Angelonia flower break virus
Apple chlorotic leaf Spot virus: Bio-Rad ELISA
Apple mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Arabis mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Asparagus virus 2: ACP ELISA
Bacterial canker of tomato (See Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis)
Banana Bract mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Banana Bunchy Top virus: Compound ELISA
Barley Stripe mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Barley yellow dwarf virus - MAV: ELISA
Barley yellow dwarf virus - PAV: ACP ELISA
Barley yellow dwarf virus - RPV (See Cereal yellow dwarf virus)
Barley yellow dwarf virus - SGV: Testing Service
Bean Common mosaic virus: ACP ELISA
Bean Pod mottle virus: DAS ELISA
Bean yellow mosaic virus: Bio-Rad ELISA
Beet necrotic yellow Vein virus: Compound ELISA
Beet Western yellows virus: Compound ELISA
Begomoviruses: See Geminiviruses
Blueberry leaf mottle virus: Compound ELISA
Blueberry Scorch virus: DAS ELISA
Blueberry Shock virus: Compound ELISA
Blueberry Shoestring virus: DAS ELISA
Bollgard? II : ImmunoStrip
Bollgard? II with Roundup Ready?: ImmunoStrip
Brome mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Bt-Cry1Ab/1Ac proteins: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Bt-Cry1Ab/1Ac with Roundup Ready? (CP4 EPSPS): ImmunoStrip
Bt-Cry1C protein: DAS ELISA
Bt-Cry1F protein (See Herculex?)
Bt-Cry1F with Bt-Cry1Ac protein (See WideStrike?)
Bt-Cry2A protein: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Bt-Cry2A with Bt-Cry1Ac (See Bollgard? II)
Bt-Cry2A, Bt-Cry1Ac with Roundup Ready? (See Bollgard? II with Roundup Ready?)
Bt-Cry3A protein: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Bt-Cry3A protein: Easy-to-use kit
Bt-Cry3Bb1 protein (See Yieldgard? Rootworm)
Bt-Cry3Bb1 with Bt-Cry1Ab protein (See Yieldgard? Plus)
Bt-Cry9C protein: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Bt-Cry34 (See Herculex RW?)
CMV, INSV, TSWV, TMV: ImmunoStrip Comb
Calibrachoa mottle virus: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Carlavirus group: PCR
Carmovirus group: PCR
Carnation Etched Ring virus: Compound ELISA
Carnation latent virus: ELISA
Carnation mottle virus: DAS ELISA
Carnation necrotic Fleck virus: ELISA
Carnation ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Cauliflower mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Cereal yellow dwarf virus - RPV: ELISA
Cherry leaf roll virus : Bio-Rad ELISA
Chrysanthemum Stunt Viroid: Nucleic acid hybridization
Chrysanthemum virus B: DAS ELISA
Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid: Nucleic acid hybridization
Citrus Tristeza virus: Compound ELISA
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus : Immunoflurescence assay
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus : DAS ELISA
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus : IMF, Canadian Protocol
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus : ELISA, Canadian Protocol
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis: DAS ELISA
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis: ACP ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. tessellarius: DAS ELISA
Corn Stunt Spiroplasma: DAS ELISA
Cowpea mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Cucumber Green mottle mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Cucumber mosaic virus: Compound ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Cucumber mosaic virus - Subgroup I: Compound ELISA
Cucumber mosaic virus - Subgroup II: Compound ELISA
Cymbidium mosaic virus: Compound ELISA
Cymbidium ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Dasheen mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Dianthovirus group: PCR
Erwinia amylovora: Bio-Rad ELISA
Erwinia carotovora: Immunoblot
Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (See Pectobacterium atrosepticum)
Erwinia stewartii (See Pantoea stewartii)
Flavescence doree phytoplasma: Bio-Rad DAS ELISA
Garlic Common latent virus: DAS ELISA
Geminiviruses (Begomoviruses) Whitefly-Transmitted : Nucleic acid hybridization
Grapevine fanleaf virus: DAS ELISA
Grapevine fleck virus: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine fanleaf virus and Arabis mosaic virus: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine leaf roll - Associated virus 1: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine leaf roll - Associated virus 1,3: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine leaf roll - Associated virus 2: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine leaf roll - Associated virus 3: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine leaf roll - Associated virus 5: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine leaf roll - Associated virus 7: Bio-Rad ELISA
Grapevine virus A: Bio-Rad ELISA
Groundnut ringspot virus - with Tomato chlorotic Spot virus GRSV and TCSV: DAS ELISA
Herculex? (Bt-Cry1F): ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Herculex RW? (Bt-Cry34):ImmunoStrip
Hibiscus chlorotic ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
High plains virus: DAS ELISA
Hosta virus X: DAS ELISA
Ilarvirus group: PCR
Impatiens necrotic Spot virus: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Iris yellow Spot virus: DAS ELISA
Johnsongrass mosaic virus: Compound ELISA
Kalanchoe latent virus: DAS ELISA
Kyuri Green mottle mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Leek yellow Stripe virus: DAS ELISA
Lettuce mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Lily Symptomless virus: DAS ELISA
Maize chlorotic mottle virus: DAS ELISA
Maize dwarf mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Maize mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Maize streak virus: DAS ELISA
Maize stripe virus: DAS ELISA
Maize White Line mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Melon necrotic Spot virus: DAS ELISA
Nandina mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Nemesia ring necrosis virus: DAS ELISA
NPTII - Neomycin Phosphotransferase II: Compound ELISA
Odontoglossum ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Onion yellow dwarf virus: DAS ELISA
Pantoea stewartii: Compound Direct ELISA
Papaya mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Papaya ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Pea Seed-Borne mosaic virus: Bio-Rad ELISA
Peach Rosette mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Peanut Stunt virus: DAS ELISA
Pectobacterium atrosepticum: DAS ELISA
Pelargonium Flower Break virus: DAS ELISA
Pelargonium leaf Curl virus: DAS ELISA
Pelargonium Zonate Spot virus: DAS ELISA
Pepino mosaic virus: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Pepper Mild mottle virus: Compound ELISA
Pepper mottle virus: DAS ELISA
Phytophthora: DAS ELISA
Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-1: Tissue Blot
Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-2: Tissue Blot
Plant Growth Hormone Detection: Indole-3-acetic Acid Competitive ELISA
Plant Growth Hormone Detection: Abscisic Acid Competitive ELISA
Plant Growth Hormone Detection: trans-Zeatin Riboside Competitive ELISA
Plant Growth Hormone Detection: Dihydrozeatin Competitive ELISA
Plant Growth Hormone Detection: Isopentenyladenosine Competitive ELISA
Plum Pox virus: Agdia Reagent Set
Plum Pox virus: Durviz Reagent Set
Poinsettia mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Potato Aucuba mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Potato latent virus: Compound ELISA
Potato leaf roll virus: DAS ELISA
Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid: Nucleic acid hybridization
Potato virus A: Compound ELISA
Potato virus M: DAS ELISA
Potato virus S: DAS ELISA
Potato virus T: Compound ELISA
Potato virus V: DAS ELISA
Potato virus X: DAS ELISA
Potato virus Y: Compound ELISA
Potato virus Y - strain c: Compound ELISA
Potato virus Y o and c strains: Compound ELISA
Potato virus Y-necrotic strain: Compound ELISA
Potyvirus Group: ACP ELISA
Prune dwarf virus: DAS ELISA
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus: Compound ELISA
Pseudomonas avenae: ACP ELISA
Pseudomonas glumae: ACP ELISA
Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola: DAS ELISA
Pythium ultimum: Compound ELISA
Ralstonia solanacearum: ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Raspberry Bushy dwarf virus: Compound ELISA
Raspberry ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Ribgrass mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Roundup Ready? (CP4 EPSPS) : DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Scrophularia mottle virus (See Nemesia ring necrosis virus)
Shallot latent virus: DAS ELISA
Shallot yellow Stripe virus: Compound ELISA
Soil-Borne Wheat mosaic virus: Compound ELISA
Southern bean mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Soybean dwarf virus: DAS ELISA
Soybean mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Spiroplasma citri: DAS ELISA
Squash mosaic virus: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Starlink? (Bt-Cry9C): DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Strawberry latent ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Strawberry Mild yellow Edge: Compound ELISA
Sugarcane bacilliform virus: DAS ELISA
Sugarcane mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Tobacco Etch virus: DAS ELISA
Tobacco mosaic virus: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Tobacco mosaic virus-c: DAS ELISA
Tobacco Rattle virus:Testing Service
Tobacco ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Tobacco streak virus: Compound ELISA
Tobacco vein mottling virus: DAS ELISA
Tobamovirus group: PCR
Tomato aspermy virus: DAS ELISA
Tomato black ring virus: Bio-Rad ELISA
Tomato bushy stunt virus: DAS ELISA
Tomato mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Tomato ringspot virus: DAS ELISA
Tomato spotted wilt virus: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Tospovirus group: PCR
Turnip mosaic virus: Compound ELISA
Watermelon mosaic virus 2: DAS ELISA
Watermelon Silver mottle virus - with Groundnut Bud Necrosis virus: Compound ELISA
Wheat dwarf virus: Bio-Rad ELISA
Wheat Spindle streak mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Wheat streak mosaic virus: DAS ELISA
Whitefly-Transmitted (Begomoviruses) Geminiviruses
WideStrike? (Bt-Cry1F with Bt-Cry1Ac protein): ImmunoStrip
Xanthomonas: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas albilineans: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli: DAS ELISA
Xanthomonas campestris: Immunoblot
Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas campestris pv. begoniae: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri: See Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri
Xanthomonas campestris pv. dieffenbachiae: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas campestris pv. pelargonii: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas campestris pv. pelargonii: DAS ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (See Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli)
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria: ACP ELISA
Xanthomonas maltophilia: ACP ELISA
Xylella fastidiosa: DAS ELISA
Yieldgard? Rootworm (Bt-Cry3Bb1):ELISA and ImmunoStrip
Yieldgard? Plus (Bt-Cry3Bb1 with Bt-Cry1Ab protein):ImmunoStrip
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus: DAS ELISA and ELISA